Cách tôi tận dụng thiếu ngủ làm công cụ tăng năng suất, và tại sao đó là ý tưởng tồi tệ

Giới thiệu How I Use Sleep Deprivation as a Productivity Tool, and Why That’s a Horrible Idea

Huấn luyện sử dụng thiếu ngủ như một công cụ tăng năng suất làm việc và tại sao đó là một ý tưởng kinh khủng

Sử dụng thiếu ngủ như một công cụ tăng năng suất và tại sao đó là một ý tưởng tồi tệ

#QueenMobile #Đánhgiásảnphẩm #MuanhậttạiQueenMobile

Trong thế giới hiện đại đầy bận rộn, năng suất là một yếu tố quan trọng nhằm đạt được thành công. Vì vậy, nhiều người tìm kiếm các phương pháp khác nhau để nâng cao năng suất của mình. Một trong số đó là việc sử dụng thiếu ngủ như một công cụ tăng năng suất. Tuy nhiên, tôi muốn chia sẻ rằng đây là một ý tưởng tồi tệ và cách tốt hơn là đánh giá kỹ lưỡng sản phẩm và mua ngay tại Queen Mobile.

Việc sử dụng thiếu ngủ như một công cụ tăng năng suất có thể có những lợi ích ngắn hạn cũng như cung cấp cảm giác tỉnh táo. Một số người cho rằng việc dành thời gian ít để ngủ sẽ làm cho họ có thêm nhiều giờ trong ngày để làm việc. Tuy nhiên, điều này chỉ làm tăng khả năng mệt mỏi, giảm tinh thần và sức khỏe tổng thể.

Thiếu ngủ có thể ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến chức năng của hệ thống thần kinh, làm giảm tập trung, khả năng ra quyết định và tư duy sáng tạo. Ngoài ra, thiếu ngủ cũng có thể gây ra stress, lo lắng và ảnh hưởng đến tâm lý của một người.

Thay vào đó, tại Queen Mobile, chúng tôi khuyến khích khách hàng đánh giá kỹ lưỡng sản phẩm để đảm bảo lựa chọn đúng đắn. Chúng tôi cam kết cung cấp cho khách hàng những sản phẩm chất lượng cao, đáng tin cậy và phù hợp với nhu cầu của họ.

Đánh giá sản phẩm là một quá trình quan trọng giúp người dùng hiểu rõ về tính năng, hiệu năng và chất lượng của sản phẩm trước khi quyết định mua. Chúng tôi cung cấp các thông tin chi tiết về sản phẩm, đáp ứng những yêu cầu cần thiết cho khách hàng và giúp họ đưa ra quyết định thông minh.

Mua sắm tại Queen Mobile đồng nghĩa với việc đặt niềm tin vào chất lượng và dịch vụ khách hàng tốt nhất. Chúng tôi cam kết mang lại trải nghiệm mua sắm tuyệt vời với sự tư vấn nhiệt tình và hậu mãi chu đáo.

Vì vậy, thay vì sử dụng thiếu ngủ như một công cụ tăng năng suất, hãy đánh giá kỹ lưỡng sản phẩm và mua ngay tại Queen Mobile để có được sự thành công và hiệu suất tốt nhất trong công việc của bạn.

#QueenMobile #Đánhgiásảnphẩm #MuanhậttạiQueenMobile

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QUEEN MOBILE chuyên cung cấp điện thoại Iphone, máy tính bảng Ipad, đồng hồ Smartwatch và các phụ kiện APPLE và các giải pháp điện tử và nhà thông minh. Queen Mobile rất hân hạnh được phục vụ quý khách….
Mua #Điện_thoại #iphone #ipad #macbook #samsung #xiaomi #poco #oppo #snapdragon giá tốt, hãy ghé [𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑬𝑵 𝑴𝑶𝑩𝑰𝑳𝑬] ✿ 149 Hòa Bình, phường Hiệp Tân, quận Tân Phú, TP HCM
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Thời gian làm việc: 9h – 21h.


Bài viết “How I Use Sleep Deprivation as a Productivity Tool, and Why That’s a Horrible Idea” là một tường thuật về những kinh nghiệm cá nhân của tác giả khi sử dụng cách mất ngủ để tăng năng suất làm việc. Tuy nhiên, bài viết cũng nhấn mạnh rằng việc này là một ý tưởng tồi tệ.

Tác giả chia sẻ rằng anh ta đã áp dụng chế độ mất ngủ vào cuộc sống hàng ngày và kết quả đã đạt được rất ấn tượng. Anh ta tin rằng việc ít ngủ sẽ tạo sức ép tinh thần và khích lệ ý chí làm việc, không chỉ tăng năng suất mà còn giúp tận dụng thời gian hiệu quả hơn.

Tuy nhiên, bài viết cũng nhắc nhở rằng việc mất ngủ đến mức quá độ có thể gây ra hậu quả nghiêm trọng cho sức khỏe và tinh thần. Thiếu thời gian ngủ dài hạn có thể gây ra hàng loạt vấn đề như suy giảm tập trung, kiệt sức, stress và thậm chí suy giảm trí tuệ.

Bài viết nhấn mạnh rằng sự cân bằng giữa nghỉ ngơi và làm việc là rất quan trọng để duy trì sức khỏe và năng suất cao. Người mua nên hiểu rõ rằng việc làm việc áp lực trong khi thiếu ngủ sẽ không mang lại lợi ích lâu dài. Thay vì dựa vào mất ngủ, việc tạo điều kiện ngủ đủ và làm việc có phương pháp sẽ mang lại hiệu quả tốt hơn trong việc nâng cao năng suất làm việc.

It’s early morning in 2018 and I’m sitting on the floor of my bedroom, in a bathrobe, drinking Diet Mountain Dew. 

I’m leaning against the wall, opposite my bed, so that I’m not tempted to crawl to it and sleep. The Diet Dew tastes like liquid candy and chemicals, but I indulge because the fake sugar lets me ride the caffeine wave without the crash. Like sleep deprivation, I reserve diet soda specifically for nights when I need it most.

Soon, indifferent keyboard clicks find a rhythm and I fall into the trance of early morning, where messy minds find mercy in the slowness of sleeplessness and assistance from performance-enhancing juice (caffeine). While the sun rises and its light slowly creeps across the carpet, inching closer to my procrastination corner, I finish what I needed to do – to be presented later, when the rest of the world is awake.  

If you want to sabotage your health, there’s no quicker or easier way to do it than to restrict your sleep. We’ve written loads of articles about why sleep is the flagship of your health, and how well-being takes a nosedive once you start to chip away at those crucial hours. Among other things, sleep deprivation hurts your immune system; reduces your ability to problem-solve or regulate your emotions; and may increase your risk of dementia and also your risk of early death. So why do so many of us participate in it willingly, knowing it’ll make us feel terrible? And why, dare I ask, does burning the candle at 4 a.m. feel helpful in certain circumstances, boosting creativity or focus enough to get work done?

People like me have long been willing participants in sleep deprivation as part of our twisted game of procrastination and productivity. We search for a quick hit of “inspiration” or creativity that’ll let us produce something we’re proud of – or at the bare minimum allow us to make a Hail Mary pass for something we could’ve accomplished with a lot less fanfare at a more holy hour. 

But the wealth of information on sleep as a vital part of our well-being only continues to grow. That includes data on sleep’s intimate ties to our mental health, as well as knowledge about how we can get hooked on the wrong tools when trying to achieve our goals in an increasingly distracting world.

About 10 clocks locked up in a cage

Getty Images

How sleep deprivation creates the perfect storm for chaos 

Sleep deprivation causes a stress response in the body, which prompts the release of cortisol. While cortisol is a culprit in many of the harmful health effects associated with lack of sleep, the cortisol and adrenaline released when you’re low on sleep can also be associated with dopamine and the feeling of reward. 

It’s possible that people who are stuck in a procrastination loop may thrive on these effects, which include symptoms like feeling giddy or getting that second-wind feeling, according to Dr. Colleen Hanlon, a researcher in deep transcranial magnetic stimulation and vice president of medical affairs at BrainsWay. But whatever you’re doing while you’re in that state, chances are you’re not doing it as well as you think you are.

“It’s very transient, and you kind of fool yourself into being cognitively very aware,” Hanlon said. 

Dr. Ralph Lewis, a psychiatrist and an associate professor at the University of Toronto, said that though sleep deprivation is terrible for our cognition overall, a short day-or-two stint of it can make some people feel “a little bit revved up, driven, wired.” 

“In that sense, it might feel like you’re more focused, maybe, or more productive,” Lewis said, also stressing that it’s not a good idea to promote sleep deprivation as any sort of tool, ever, given the dangers to your health. (I’m not. We’ll discuss healthier tools at the end of this article, but first we have to walk through all the reasons you’d want to turn to an unhealthy focus hack in the first place.) 

Procrastination itself also causes a dopamine and adrenaline rush, and we often caffeinate ourselves to stay up, which also has an effect on our dopamine levels. So you can start to see how the relationship between procrastination, sleep deprivation and productivity gets messy. 

Staying up late may also affect your mental state in another way. The middle of the night strips away the distractions of the day and allows us an opportunity to do things when the rest of the world is quiet, kind of like the eye of the storm, especially for people with attention problems or whose schedules are so full they can’t squeeze in any down time.

“That sense of quiet or the world shutting down for the night can sometimes, for some people, feel like it opens up their world a little bit,” said Jessica Stern, a psychologist and clinical assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. 

4 a.m. eye of the storm 

When we feel most productive or when we’re able to do our best work also depends on our sleep “chronotype.” The typical 9-to-5 schedule is usually more conducive to people with “bear” or “lion” chronotypes, who have energy early in the day and start to feel sleepy at an earlier hour. But for some people, they naturally feel more productive later in the day and aren’t tired around bedtime.

Michael Breus, the psychologist and “Sleep Doctor” who wrote a book on the four chronotypes – lion, dolphin, bear and wolf – doesn’t see sleep deprivation as any sort of aid.

“I don’t see people using sleep deprivation as a tool for anything,” Breus said. “I see people getting sleep deprived because they don’t realize what their limits are.” 

You may have heard the term “sleep procrastination” or “revenge bedtime procrastination” bubble up within the last year or two. Social media has filled up with videos of people, many of them parents, documenting their time spent staying up late and doing fun or decompressing activities, even though they know they should go to sleep because they have to wake up very early. 

“All I think sleep procrastination is, is FOMO,” Breus said, referencing the fear of missing out.  

“Then you get caught in that dopamine loop; then you’re stuck there for three or four hours,” he said. Breus also emphasized that sleep deprivation will make you experience everything through a negative emotional lens, but said emotion has the ability to “narrow focus.” 

A person's hands typing with a purple backddrop

Qi Yang/Getty Images

ADHD and sleep patterns

People with ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, may be particularly susceptible to the dangers of sleep deprivation and procrastination. Sleep deprivation induces a strong emotional response and sense of urgency, and ADHD tends to seek out those things as a spark to complete a task. And as a general rule, people with ADHD tend to be more prone to sleep problems.

One 2018 study, published in the journal Sleep, found that sleep deprivation and ADHD share a “common neural signature.” Looking at fMRI images of people who were sleep deprived and comparing them to images of people with ADHD and to controls, scientists found decreased activity in executive functioning in both sleep deprived and ADHD groups. More interesting, though, was that sleep loss resulted in a “potential compensatory response” in the thalamus. This could explain, theoretically, why people with ADHD sometimes describe a boost from sleep loss

Diagnoses of ADHD have been rising for decades, with a particular boom during the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw new ways to get diagnosed online and get medication quickly. But Lewis says we’ve been thinking about ADHD all wrong, and as a psychiatrist, he thinks it’s important not to overdiagnose a condition he sees as “executive function on a bell curve,” or put simply, neurodiversity. 

People on what he calls the more intense part of the executive function bell curve tend to excel in environments like school and organized work. This is opposite those who have more novelty-seeking behaviors or big-picture thinking, he said. He compares the fact that so many people are trying to compensate for attention problems, or feel like they’re falling behind, to living in a world that favors tall people instead of short people.

“It’s as if we’ve created a society where everything’s high up,” Lewis said. “We’ve artificially created a society of height disadvantage.”

For people with ADHD symptoms, saving things for the nighttime when there are fewer distractions can be a workable strategy, but only if you’re able to make up that sleep during the day, which doesn’t work for most people’s schedules, he points out. It’s also important to stress that sleep deprivation is outright dangerous for people with bipolar disorder or manic depression, and that skipping sleep can have dangerous consequences and trigger a manic episode in those people.

“Sleep deprivation is a dangerous thing in so many ways for the human brain and body,” Lewis said. “We can put it off short-term, but it has terrible effects in the brain and the body.”  

Hacks to get things done without losing sleep

If you’ve found yourself in an unhealthy cycle of procrastination and sleep deprivation, consider these tips that’ll trick your body into staying on track and still give you the sense of rush that helps get you going.

Break up tasks

Hanlon, who researches transcranial magnetic stimulation, or the procedure of using magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain, knew she’d met her procrastination match while running a lab on the effects of TMS on addiction. The graduate student helping her sift through her brain images was also a procrastinator, she said. 

Working with two similar, stress-reliant cycles is like pushing two magnets together. So they came up with a solution: set up mini deadlines.

“We set up these very small milestones, and honestly it worked really well,” she said. 

Moving the goal post closer so you can rush up against it, then moving it out again (as Hanlon does in her lab) is one of best things you can do to get ahead of procrastination. By simplifying tasks, not only are you efficiently working toward your goal, but you might still get little hits of relief or excitement when you finish a task.

Little rewards 

Stern said a good motivation for overcoming procrastination is to reward yourself for “doing things you don’t want to do.”

Whatever a “reward” means to you, lean into one after you’ve checked off a necessary task that was making your stomach churn.

Get adrenaline in healthy ways 

Being sleep deprived and procrastinating can put you into an overdrive state, Lewis said. Because the long-term health benefits are so damaging, using that stress response to drive productivity really isn’t sustainable. 

If you find yourself needing an extra energy boost, Lewis pointed to exercise as one of the simplest ways to get your adrenaline pumping. Going for a bike ride or run, then sitting down to a task that calls for some inspiration, might be all you need. (As a bonus, exercise will help you sleep better, too.)   

The note card trick 

This is something I started doing recently, and on the days I actually remember to write one, there’s a noticeable difference in how much energy or inspiration I have for all tasks at hand. It’s basically writing a to-do list, but I completely separate tasks I want to do from tasks I’m not excited about.

On one side of the card, I jot down tasks I’m not particularly thrilled about completing but need to get done. On the other side, I write down small “creative” tasks I also need to do that day. Sometimes they’re actually creative, like free write for 15 minutes, but I also throw in daily exercise or anything else I view as feeding the creative monster, and I weave in bursts of energy that way. It’s likely this works for me because crossing off these creative tasks serves as a type of reward, and it also draws out ways to break up tasks.

Actually make sleep a priority 

If other wellness habits, such as staying hydrated, exercising regularly and eating nutritious foods, are like cheerleaders leading a rally about how much better I’d feel if I also developed a better sleep schedule, then my nights of scheduled sleep deprivation are the people smoking outside and skipping the rally altogether – we’ve heard it all before, and we’re just not interested. 

But to whoever needs to hear this (me): Staying up late and being tired isn’t a badge of honor. While it might provide adrenaline-assisted benefits for a (very limited) one or two nights, chronic sleep deprivation will increase your risk of cognitive decline later in life, increase your risk of heart disease and so much more. 

If you’re seeking novelty in your sleep routine, there are small things you can do to enhance the experience, like investing in a scent infuser, being selective about which pillow you use or how you arrange your bedroom, and generally thinking of a nightly routine as something you look forward to that will only help your work in the long run.

Try your best to create your 3 a.m. environment at 2 p.m. 

Though sometimes I stay up super late to finish an everyday task because I put it off, I usually find myself in the biggest thick of sleep deprivation with a project I really want to get right. I love having the time, maybe in a dark and dreamy cafe that’s open until 2 a.m., to diddle around and wait for an idea to get its wings, which then makes the rest of the project feel so much easier. I want to give some things the right room to grow.

In an ideal world, Lewis said, we’d all head off to our cabins in the woods, packing only a “big bag of physical books.” But that’s not realistic, so you need to do what you can to make your environment one that’s similar to what you love about the nighttime. 

As you start to experiment with ways you can complete your necessary tasks while still respecting the things you truly love to do, you may find that the need to participate in the dangerous sleep-deprivation-and-procrastination game fades away.

“We all crave that peace and quiet,” Lewis said. “Peace and quiet and being understood.”